Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Yesterday, columnist Liz Smith did a small post on Mrs. Onassis, it would've been her 85th birthday.
This iconic photo was part of the post. Please read the caption underneath the photo.

The wording of this caption bothered me a bit. Unless I'm nuts (hey, shut up) the way this is written, it states that Gallela took this photo, right? I love this photo, but isn't Gallela getting a shot of Jackie's ass right now? Well, I wrote Liz....

To: LizSmith <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 10:35 pm
Subject: jackie

so here's my query.....under that iconic shot of jackie & gallela it reads, "....gallela (with camera, in background) would take his best and most famous shot of jackie." so, that is ron gallela behind jackie with a camera around his neck & a camera to his face, correct? so WHO took this photo? gallela was shooting her from behind, no?

can you tell i'm confused?
normadesmond xx


(and here are Liz's replies....)

Dear Norma, 
Jackie and Galella were always surrounded by other papparazzi.

(and here's a second email that came later that night....)

another paparazzo. 
Liz Smith


It was so sweet that she wrote to correct herself. Of course, I'm not naive enough 
to believe that LIZ SMITH actually wrote me, but whoever it was, it was sweet to reply. 
BUT, my question wasn't answered, was it? Gallela did not take that photo, 
someone else did, so why is she giving Gallela credit?