Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Marisa Berenson

Pulled tighter than a Ludwig snare.


  1. If it weren't for the Joker-esque lips, she'd look pretty damn good.

    Oh, and by the way - you're tagged!

  2. This woman obviously needs a good moisturizer. It's always about moisture. But no hard water, because if you crack that face - it falls off.

  3. Its the forehead for me that gives it away. Its expressionless. And truth be told, she looks like a Keane Kid (Sad Eyes) portrait.

    And her grandmother would be appalled at what she is wearing. SIMPLY, appalled.

  4. Maybe it's my all too close proximity to Beverly Hills, but honestly she doesn't look half a deformed as most of the stuff I see walking around here.

  5. Felix, you need to get out. You are becoming immune to it. Spend a week tricking with all the good looking hillbillies in West Virginia; there are more there than you could imagine.

  6. felix, i consider you a maven given your proximity. ground zero actually.


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