Monday, May 31, 2010

Pull Up To My Bumper Baby.....

Every other Saturday night in scenic Hastings, Minnesota, the Downtown boulevard is closed to regular traffic and antique autos and street rods (ugh) descend. Yesterday was opening night and with the holiday weekend and warm weather, the place was packed. Hastings is about 30 minutes from the cities, making it a nice drive.....not to far, but far enough to feel like you've gone someplace. As expected in small town USA, the scenery can be, ahem, interesting...and not in a good way. That's why it's best to keep one's eyes on the cars.

And yes, if you're patient, you'll see Norma's Oldsmobile.


  1. I may have to go to the hospital and it's all your fault. After watching this, I'm pretty certain I'm going to be experiencing one of those erections that last over four hours!

    But I am a tad confused. Darling I thought you resided in the Boston metro area. Am I wrong? Or did you just motor out to Minn. to take part in this.

    My other thought: Do you think in forty years people will be ooohing and aaahing over a vintage Toyota Tercel? I think not.

  2. really, you mean i should market this video as homeopathic viagra? and don't you dare tell me to drop that "e"!


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