Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Life of Reilly

Here's the opening....

Then go here. This site wouldn't allow me to embed the opening, but has the entire film. You'll see how you can easily make your way through the segments. It's way worth it. Way.


  1. Thanks for this, Norma.

    I misread it at first as Life of O'Reilly but thankfully Bill isn't allowed to set foot here.

  2. we here at md have an "open door policy"....of course, we also have a "slamming door in one's face policy" as well.

    you decide.

  3. Thank you for this, Norma Desmond, I will watch the program.

  4. Reminded me strangely enough of the killing of Colonel Workman of Cock House who went by the name Riley.


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