Sunday, January 2, 2011

Can it get any worse?

Zsa Zsa may lose a leg to a blood clot. There surely is no god.


  1. ahem
    I read this earlier and had to think of you.
    somehow, that evil "prince" is behind all of this, I'm sure.

  2. The latest is that she's had a partial amputation.

  3. Oh dear Zsa Zsa. I wonder if she is lucid through all of this.

  4. At 93 wouldn't she rather die than to go through all of this?

    There surely is no God to let her suffer like a dog.

  5. Why don't they just let her go with dignity?

    Shit like this makes me so fucking mad. There has to be a reason why the evil prince is keeping her alive. It can not be because he loves her...what man would do this to a lady?

    I'm betting that Zsa Zsa left him bupkis in the will and he's doing this to exhaust her funds so her daughter won't see a cent.

  6. It can.

    Und es ist unwürdig.

  7. i'm starting to think they'll start making two piles of her, labeling each one zsa.

  8. I've been misinformed.

    She is still AWAITING a decision on whether or not they'll amputate.

  9. My mother almost lost a leg last year, for the same reason, but fortunately an artificial vein was installed and she only lost her toes and part of her foot.

    Poor Zsa Zsa.


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