Monday, March 28, 2011


TJB just posted a lovely homage to Dinah Shore, which made me start investigating. Did you know that they split up her ashes, burying a portion

in Hillside

and another portion 
in Cathedral City?


  1. CATHEDRAL CITY? That's just mean.

  2. Well.... there's nothing like spreading yourself around...

  3. That plaque in photo #1 could do with a rewrite.

  4. Are you sure it is the same one?

  5. Dinah was a Jew? Who knew?

    Is that you in the picture, boychick?

  6. pardon me, there's a chevy with my name on it.

  7. I thought that Burt Reynolds had her ashes in a Folgers coffee can.

  8. Burt Reynolds collects ashes?

  9. do you want kabuki to go get the cathedral city ashes? its just down the road a bit, and for you I'd commit a crime. you could put her somewhere nice.

  10. I guess it'll be the same with Zsa Zsa....

  11. wally, it'll be easy with zsa zsa, why, i imagine they've already microwaved that first leg and sealed it in an attractive, take-home jar. oh wait, i know, they'll use a canister set.

    kabook darling, i love you for the thought,
    but i don't want dinah in my kitchen.

    myra, burt collects whatever he can get his hands on.

    cookie, where has your head been, up your tuchas? and please refer to me as zayde-chik.

    pete, you may be right, but she's probably decaffeinated by now.

    stephen, i don't golf and i too weep.

  12. I doubt Zsa Zsa got her leg back. Under most state laws, once you have a piece, a part or a limb removed you are casting it out, ie you no longer own it, or the rights to it.

    So I would venture that Zsa Zsa's leg ended up in a lab where they took tissue samples for examination and diagnosis, and then it was either "rendered" down (via chemicals) and flushed into the waste water treatment facility, incinerated, or other wise "disposed" of. But returned to the family? No. Rest assured that someplace in Southern California a lab technician is venerating a sliver of her toe nail.

  13. don't be too sure that leg didn't go home with her. i would not be surprised to find it on eBay.

    BTW: i like "rendered" as in shmaltz.

  14. Cookie...
    Perhaps someone, somewhere is growing wee little zsa zsas of their own....


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