Saturday, June 2, 2012

Who's waiting in the green room?

Hardly mystery guests, but this is the best I have at the moment.


  1. why is that Ms Charles Pierce? Im not sure. And what are you serving tonight in the green room anyhow?

  2. I'm thinking Arlene Dahl on the right (shocked to find out she still walks among us). But, after looking her up, she doesn't have a large "beauty" mark like this gal. Unlike some contestants, I don't cheat by dropping it into Google, I will be in shock and awe once Norma pulls back the veil of mystery to us all. PS The large mole is reminiscent of Paula Abdul's.

    1. dropping it into google image WHAT'S THAT?

    2. just checked it out...didn't know it existed.
      this will put a crimp in mystery guests.

    3. Even your Corgis know about it.

  3. Charles on the right, but I have no idea who is on the left.

  4. I know, I know!

    However, I have to say that when I saw the thumbnail small version of the image over on my blogroll, my first guess was the Meadows sisters, Audrey and Jayne.

    And all else I'll say is that is indeed the estimable Mr. Pierce on the right. He's accompanied by a remarkable creature whose emergence into the spotlight could have been marked by the tagline so often associated with Anne Boleyn - "the chop heard 'round the world."

  5. "The chop heard 'round the world"? She looks nothing like Lorena Bobbit! Jx

  6. how did you get my parents picture? this was their 25th wedding anniversary party.


Please, we're all ears!